
Saturday, July 21, 2012

the pursuit of favorites: stellas coffeehaus

i am horrible at ordering coffee. that is something i have learned from every time i try. i think the main problem is that i dont know what my favorite form of coffee is. the only thing in know is that i dont like it black. not at all. unless it has tons of cream and splenda in it of course.

how we found this place: those super handy neighborhood guides on the colorado local first site. i searched through every single neighborhood and searched for the websites of the different coffee places they had listed. stellas coffehaus seemed extremely promising for the kind of atmosphere i like at a coffee house. what is the kind of atmosphere i like? old house, shabby, unique, local. basically, i like a place that is very comfortable and laid back. somewhere you can hang out for hours and not even realize it. a place that can feel like your home away from home.

what i like about this place: its in a cute old house, they have local art that hangs on the walls, there is a large porch that wraps around the house and would be very enjoyable when the weather is nice. we also got a piece of cinnamon coffee cake that was very delicious. i always enjoy nibbling on things and i believe that i made the perfect choice when deciding on the coffee cake!

what could be better: it was super super crowded. yes, it is a sign that it is a good place, but it was nearly impossible to find a table. and once i found one, it was squished too close to all the other tables. maybe it was the time we went and the fact that it was a monday. they also served their coffee in paper coffee cups. they did not seem to have much space, especially for how busy they were, to store such a large amount of actual coffee mugs, but there is something more special and more inviting about getting your coffee in an actual mug. not having real coffee mugs is a huge drawback for me. handsome was also getting kicked off the internet the entire time we were there. i, on the other hand, had no problem with the internet until the end when it went completely down and they restarted it. who knows what those difficulties were about. i feel like it has to do with the fact that macs are better than pc's, but thats just me being in love with my computer. regardless, i would still like to try this place again. especially when the weather is nice!



Lili living... said...

I completely agree that paper cups in a coffee house is unacceptable. A coffee shop is another story, or having paper available for people who ask may be okay...

...but coffee houses typically are concerned with fair trade practices & being less wasteful of resources than your typical "shop"...though this one has no problem being wasteful at all.

I wouldn't like it either.

I hope the quest ends soon-enough & you have a handful of favorite local places!

lean, green and crafty said...

I love the new blog look! I understand what you mean about not knowing what kind of coffee to order, I have the same problem, I usually just randomly pick something new and hope I like it. How did you make your new blog banner?

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